
来源 :中国猪业 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:filltang
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国家级大型正泰种猪场,是省委、省政府、畜牧局重点扶持品种改良单位。多年来,在广大新老养殖户的大力支持合作下,得到突飞猛进的发展,产品远销全国二十多个省、市。本场面向全国各地常年销售:新美系、原种杜洛克、大约克、长白、公猪和母猪,及长大二元母猪,并且大量销售三元仔猪。由于本场技术领先,注重防疫,价格合理,货源充足,信誉良好,深受全国各地新老客户的好评。在今后的销售工作中,我们还是对新老客承诺不变。1、本场是一个重合同、守信用单位,对出售仔猪、种猪都由畜牧师严格防疫,并且技术跟踪、服务到家。2、仔猪、种猪上车前统一注射或饲喂专家配制药物,运输途中不拉稀,无应激反应。3、 National large-scale Zhengtai pig farms, the provincial government, the Bureau of Animal Husbandry, the key support varieties improved units. Over the years, the majority of new and old farmers in the strong support of cooperation, get by leaps and bounds, the products are exported to over 20 provinces and cities nationwide. This scene for the perennial sales throughout the country: the new US Department, the original Duroc, York, Changbai, boars and sows, and grow up two yuan sows, and a large number of sales triple piglets. As the field of technology leader, pay attention to epidemic prevention, the price is reasonable, adequate supply, good reputation, new and old customers throughout the country by the praise. In the future sales, we still promise new and old customers unchanged. 1, the field is a contract and keeping promises units, on the sale of piglets, pigs by livestock division strict disease prevention, and technical tracking, home services. 2, piglets, pigs on the train uniform injection or feeding experts to prepare drugs, transport is not diarrhea, no stress response. 3,
临床资料:患者,男,12岁,3年前无明显诱因出现活动后心慌、气短、乏力,休息后自动缓解.此后患者体质较差,易患感冒,活动后心慌、气短、乏力症状逐渐加重而来诊.查体:颈动脉无异常波动,心尖波动最强点位于左锁骨中线第5肋间,无震颤,心浊音界不大,心率96次/min,节律齐,各瓣膜区未闻及病理性杂音.周围血管征阴性,无双下肢浮肿.心电图示:窦性心动过缓.彩超示:房间隔中、下段回声中断约7 mm。
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前十字韧带(anteriorcruciate ligament,ACI,)重建已经成为膝关节外科的主要手术之一,多采用自体组织作为移植材料[1]。
一、临床资料例 1 歼 6飞行员 ,男 ,2 5岁 ,飞行时间 6 0 0h ,2 0 0 1年 8月来我院疗养。诉近 1个月来飞行中时常出现倦怠感 ,有时注意力难集中 ,入睡困难 ,睡眠质量差。近