一深圳特区当前的经济形势总的来说是好的,突出表现在如下四个方面: (一)国民经济获得了比较全面、协调、也是比较大幅度的增长。上半年,工业总产值每月以12.3%的速度上升,累计完成24.02亿元,比上年同期(下同)增长67.7%。工业产品出口达11.65亿元(含来料加工1.7亿元),增长74.55%,高于产值的增长速度。出口产值占工业总产值的比重由上年同期的46.59%上升到48.5%。多数企业的经济效益逐步提高。据对电子、纺织、机械、建材等八大公司统计,实现利润比去年同期平均增长74.1%。一批原来亏损大、负债重,甚至濒于破产的企业,经过整顿以后,也渐露生机。出口贸易持续增长,上半年出口额逐月上升,平均每月递增15.1%,累计完成4.41亿美元,增长73.4%。特区过去进出口贸易中过份入超的状况已开始扭转。据统计,上半年有450多种自产产
The current economic situation in Shenzhen Special Economic Zone is generally good, highlighting the following four aspects: (1) The national economy has enjoyed more comprehensive, coordinated and relatively substantial growth. In the first half of the year, total industrial output rose at a rate of 12.3% per month, accumulatively 2.402 billion yuan, an increase of 67.7% over the same period of last year. The export of industrial products reached 11.65 billion yuan (including 170 million yuan of materials processing), an increase of 74.55%, higher than the growth rate of output value. The share of export value in total industrial output rose to 48.5% from 46.59% in the same period of last year. Most enterprises gradually improve the economic efficiency. According to the statistics of the eight major companies such as electronics, textile, machinery and building materials, the average profit of the company increased by 74.1% over the same period of last year. After the rectification, a batch of enterprises that were previously in large deficits, heavily indebted and even on the verge of bankruptcy have also been experiencing vitality. Export trade continued to grow. In the first half of the year, the volume of exports increased month by month, with an average monthly increase of 15.1% and a total amount of 441 million U.S. dollars, up 73.4%. In the past, the situation in the SAR overdraft in import and export trade has begun to reverse. According to statistics, in the first half of 450 kinds of self-production