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子宫内膜癌的发病率在国内外均有增加趋势,如何寻找一种简便可靠、安全高效的筛选诊断器具,已有很多摸索。本文对绝经后阴道流血、宫颈大体无异常者,施行宫颈刮片、颈管与官腔微毛刷扫擦直接涂片法分析三段涂片与病理检查的符合率,以便确定诊断方法与器具的使用价值。临床资料一、病例选择自1985年11月至1987年4月,对47例绝经后阴道流血,妇检视诊宫颈、阴道无明显炎症或肿瘤者施行三段涂片检查。为获取全子宫标本,选住院手术者17例.门诊30例。二、年龄43~78岁,其中以51~60岁居多.占29例,61岁以上10例。三、绝经年限绝经后出血为绝经1年以上者,故本组年限为1~26年,2年内10例,3~4年8例,5~10年18例,11~15年6例,16~20年3例,>20年2例。四、流血情况时间以几天~3年不等,34例在1个月以内,半年内6例,1年内4例,超过1年3例。流血量除7例似月经量外,余均为点滴少量、淋漓出血或咖啡色分泌物。 The incidence of endometrial cancer both at home and abroad have increased trend, how to find a simple and reliable, safe and efficient screening diagnostic apparatus, has been a lot of exploration. In this paper, vaginal bleeding after menopause, cervical generally no abnormalities, the implementation of cervical scraping, cervical and bureaucratic micro-brush scrub direct smear analysis of three sections smear and pathological examination in line with the rate in order to determine the diagnostic methods and apparatus Use value. Clinical data First, the choice of cases From November 1985 to April 1987, 47 cases of postmenopausal vaginal bleeding, gynecological examination of the cervix, vaginal inflammation or tumor were not implemented three smears. In order to obtain the entire uterus specimen, choose the hospitalized operation in 17 cases.Outpatient 30 cases. Second, the age of 43 to 78 years, of which 51 to 60 years of majority, accounting for 29 cases, 61 cases of more than 10 cases. Third, menopause Menopausal bleeding after menopause more than 1 year, so the group of 1 to 26 years, 10 cases within 2 years, 3 to 4 years in 8 cases, 5 to 10 years in 18 cases, 11 to 15 years in 6 cases, 16 to 20 years in 3 cases,> 20 years in 2 cases. Fourth, the bleeding time to a few days to 3 years, 34 cases in less than 1 month, six months within six months, 1 year 4 cases, more than 1 year in 3 cases. Except for 7 cases of bleeding in menstrual flow, the remaining were a small amount of drip bleeding or brown discharge.
Turner氏综合征又名先天性卵巢发育不全症或性腺发育不良症。患者常因原发性闭经和侏儒就诊。国内尚少报道,兹将我院收治六例简报如下,并结合文献作扼要讨论。 Turner’s s
八百洞天位于高安市华林山风景名胜区内,相传为“蜀中八仙”之一李八百(“铁拐李”的原型)的修炼地,又因洞群由无数巨石垒叠构成,洞洞 Eight hundred Dongtian is located i
我们调查自1965~1983年18年间输卵管结扎术2000余例,其中哮喘患者10D余例,扎管术后其哮喘均有不同程度好转 We investigated more than 2000 cases of tubal ligation since
例1 24岁,临床诊断:孕21周 宫高增长过快待查。B超检查:耻骨联合上探到胎头光环完整,双顶径87mm,胎心136,律齐,肢体活动。在胎儿腹部多个大小不一的圆形、椭圆形液暗区,边界