列文森的会话含义的信息原则是通过最少极限的信息达到有效交际的目的。而该原则的反应用是扩大这信息极限 ,在口语教学中利用这反应用使学生尽量多讲英语。人们日常生活的交际活动和图式理论为这原则的反应用提供了可行性。此外 ,教材本身也是好的口语素材。本文作者根据其多年的教学经验总结出了信息原则的反应用可以提高学生练习英语口语的积极性和口头表达能力
The message principle of Levinson’s conversational meaning is to achieve effective communication through the least limit information. The reaction of this principle is to expand the limit of this message and use this reaction in oral teaching to enable students to speak as much English as possible. The communicative activities of people’s daily life and the schema theory have provided the feasibility for the reaction of this principle. In addition, the textbook itself is good oral material. According to his years of teaching experience, the author summed up the reaction of the principle of information to improve the students’ enthusiasm and verbal ability to practice oral English