“Reversal” is a newly discovered and special language distributed in the hinterland of the eastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and is a small “language island” in the vast sea of Tibetan in the eastern Tibetan-Tibetan plateau. On the one hand, the vocabulary mainly comes from Chinese, and the words from Chinese in the basic vocabulary occupy the absolute dominant position; on the other hand, it has a high degree of isomorphism with Tibetan at the grammatical level; this is the basic feature of the inverted speech. However, as a strict and complete language used as a mother tongue, it is not simply the Tibetan grammar to organize the Chinese vocabulary. With the rich vocabulary of communicative communication as the first communicative language and the mother tongue of children learning as the specific language community, the poem has a complete and rigorous phonetic grammar system that fully demonstrates the qualities of an independent quality language. This article focuses on the pronunciation, vocabulary and grammatical features of the inverted speech.