中国电子学会、中国仪器仪表学会信号处理学会组织的“信号处理在振动工程中的应用学术会议”于1983年6月21日至26日在南京举行。来自全国各高等院校,科研及工厂等单位的170多名代表出席了会议。会议共收到论文70余篇,分成三个专题小组进行学术报告和讨论:(1) 随机数据分析和应用;(2) 模态分析与参数识别;(3) 故障诊断和微机应用。南京工学院何振亚教授、南京航空学院张阿舟教授、清华大学黄世霖付教授和上海交通大学徐敏付教授应邀作了大会报告。
China Institute of Electronics, Chinese Society for Instrumentation Society for Signal Processing, “Signal Processing in Vibration Engineering Application Conference” was held in Nanjing on June 21-26, 1983. More than 170 representatives from colleges, research institutes and factories all over the country attended the conference. The conference received a total of more than 70 papers, divided into three special groups for academic reports and discussions: (1) random data analysis and application; (2) modal analysis and parameter identification; (3) fault diagnosis and computer applications. Professor He Zhenya from Nanjing Institute of Technology, Professor Zhang Azhou from Nanjing Aviation College, Professor Huang Shilin from Tsinghua University and Professor Xu Minfu from Shanghai Jiao Tong University were invited to make the conference report.