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昆明市官渡区曙光小学十分注重校园育人环境的建设,积极开展环境教育活动。自2008年以来,在绿色环保和科技创新方面成绩显著,通过全体师生多年的努力,丰富了科技创新和绿色环保的教育底蕴。为了弘扬绿色生态文明,学校致力于把生态育人的理念渗透到学校的管理、建设和教育教学工作中,重视对学生的生态道德教育,开展绿色生态课堂的研究。学校领导非常重视校园绿化建设工作。 Dawn Primary School, Guandu District, Kunming pays great attention to the construction of campus environment for educating people and actively carries out environmental education activities. Since 2008, we have achieved notable achievements in green environmental protection and technological innovation. Through the efforts of all teachers and students for many years, we have enriched the education of science and technology innovation and green environmental protection. In order to carry forward the green ecological civilization, the school devotes itself to infiltrating the concept of ecological education into the management, construction and education of schools, attaching importance to students’ ecological and moral education and conducting research on green ecological classrooms. School leaders attach great importance to the construction of campus greening.
《郑州日报》消息 置办年货、学写春联、陪父母看场电影、学习一种中华传统菜肴的制作……新春佳节期间,“变脸”的新式寒假作业让中小学生忙得不亦乐乎,也从中体会到浓浓的“新”年味。  “我有一个很棒很棒的老爸,无论刮风下雨放学时间他都准点在校门口守候,每个假期他都会抽空陪我去‘疯玩探险’,每天晚上他都会用肥肥的肚腩暖我的冰脚丫……”郑州纬五路二小学生豆豆大年初一拉上老爸去看了电影《爸爸去哪儿》,之后豆豆