Artillery suppression of weapons has always been one of the focuses of the development of the armed forces and equipment of various countries. In general, the current suppression of artillery by the Army has reached the third generation. The high-tech local wars that have taken place since the 1990s have been having a profound and far-reaching impact on the future style of land-based war operations and the development of artillery suppression by land-based artillery. At present, in order to meet the needs of the future battlefield, the Army of the United States, Russia, Britain, France, Germany and other countries have already applied the most advanced high technologies of the present age, especially the achievements of information technology, developed new and improved old artillery suppress weapons and improved Various types of artillery mainly suppress the tactical and technical performance of firearms and improve the firepower system. All the artillery weapons to be suppressed will move toward light-weight, small-scale, self-propelled, automation, power, maneuvering, multipurpose and digitalization, its