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欧雄全(以下简称“欧”):李老师,首先感谢您接受访谈,今天我们要聊的话题是关于互联网时代的建筑传媒。随着时代的进步、互联网的普及,传统建筑媒体的受众群已经不单局限于专业人士,越来越为普通大众所熟知。近年来,以互联网为平台的新兴建筑媒体,如ArchDaily、谷德、有方、UED等,却在当今的建筑传播领域占据的话语权和影响力越来越大,您怎么看待这些新兴网络媒体的崛起现象?传统纸媒会被取代吗?李翔宁(以下简称“李”):我觉得新兴网络媒体的崛起是一个非常好的现象,它是对我们已有媒体的补充,当然大家会经常讨论这两种媒体,认为新兴网络媒体会不会导致纸媒或是其他传统传媒形式的消亡, Mr. Ogata (hereinafter referred to as “Europe”): Teacher Li, first of all, thank you for accepting the interview. The topic we are going to talk about today is about the construction media in the Internet age. With the progress of the times and the popularization of the Internet, the audiences of the traditional construction media have become more and more not only professionals but also more and more familiar to the general public. In recent years, emerging web-based media such as ArchDaily, Goode, Youde, UED, etc. have gained more and more power and influence in today’s construction communications. What do you think about these emerging web media Li Xiangning (hereinafter referred to as “Lee”): I think the rise of the emerging online media is a very good sign, it is a supplement to our existing media, of course, we will often Discuss the two media, that the emerging Internet media will lead to the disappearance of paper media or other forms of traditional media,