Haden Mango is one of the most important cultivars in Mexico. It is strong early, high market prices, it has become an important commercial mango orchards. Under suitable conditions, it is premature in some parts of Mexico. The mango grows well in the southern half of the Pacific state of Sinaloa; in the northern part of the state, there is a serious problem of parthenocarpicity. The mangrove tree in Biederland bloom in mid-December and late December, harvesting in mid-May, and harvesting period of up to 1.5 months. Flowering results, the positive 1-3 month cold period, the temperature is only 0-5 ℃. Young fruits are susceptible to low temperatures. But in the fruit reaches the physiological maturity stage, this effect was demonstrated. At maturity, almost 70-80% of the fruit is still small, yet positive in the trees