阴道出血是妇产科常见症状之一,少量反复出血可诱发感染,而大量出血则可危及生命。现将近年来收治的阴道大出血98例病人的有关情况报道如下。1 临床资料1.1 一般资料在98例中,年龄最小10岁,最大70岁,平均32.5岁。其中10~19岁21例,20~39岁53例,40~49岁15例,50~59岁7例,60岁以上者2例。未婚25例,已婚73例,合并妊娠48例。
Vaginal bleeding is one of the common symptoms of obstetrics and gynecology, a small amount of repeated bleeding can induce infection, and a large number of bleeding can be life-threatening. Now in recent years, 98 cases of vaginal bleeding hemorrhage reported the following information. 1 Clinical data 1.1 General information 98 cases, the youngest 10 years old, maximum 70 years old, average 32.5 years old. Among them, 21 cases were 10-19 years old, 53 cases were 20-39 years old, 15 cases were 40-49 years old, 7 cases were 50-59 years old and 2 cases were over 60 years old. 25 unmarried, 73 married, 48 cases of pregnancy.