孟加拉国位于南亚,是个发展中国家,2001年3月加入GDDS。孟加拉国有人口1亿2600万,是世界上人口密度最高的国家之一,其经济以农业为主,90%以上的人口从事农业。1999年孟加拉国的人均GDP为345美元。 按照国际货币基金组织(简称IMF。下同)的规定,加入GDDS的国家需要向IMF
Bangladesh is a developing country based in South Asia and joined the GDDS in March 2001. With a population of 126 million, Bangladesh is one of the most densely populated countries in the world. Its economy is dominated by agriculture and over 90% of its population is engaged in agriculture. In 1999, the per capita GDP of Bangladesh was 345 U.S. dollars. In accordance with the provisions of the International Monetary Fund (IMF for short), the countries that join the GDDS need to provide the IMF