到目前为止,美国已研制了七种洲际弹道导弹(图1,2和附表),其发展大体可分为四个阶段: 第一阶段从四十年代中期到六十年代初期,这一阶段,尤其是1954年到1962年,平行研制了丘辟特、雷神两种中程导弹,和宇宙神、大力神Ⅰ两种洲际导弹,解决了战略导弹的有无问题。第二阶段从六十年代初期到六十年代中期,实际上是从1958年到1965年,这一阶段的重点是大力研制和装备固体洲际导弹,即民兵Ⅰ和民兵Ⅱ导弹,提高导弹的实战能力。
So far, the United States has developed seven types of intercontinental ballistic missiles (Figures 1, 2 and Schedule). Its development can be broadly divided into four stages: the first stage from the mid-1940s to the early 1960s, In particular, from 1954 to 1962, two types of intercontinental missiles, Qiaobute and Raytheon, as well as the cosmic god and Hercules II, were developed in parallel to solve the problem of the strategic missiles. The second phase from the early 1960s to the mid-1960s was actually from 1958 to 1965. The focus of this phase was to vigorously develop and equip solid intercontinental missiles, that is, militia I and militia II missiles, to enhance the actual combat of missiles ability.