例1 患者男22岁农民在菜地劳动时,碎片溅入右眼,视物不清1小时。右眼视力手动、光定位正常,左眼1.5。右眼球结膜中度混合性充血。角膜中央纵形全层裂开至角膜缘,长6mm。虹膜部分脱出,前房浅,少量出血。晶体前囊尚完整。眼底窥不清。X线眼眶正、侧位摄片未见阳性异物。局麻下行右角膜伤口缝合术,创口处以0.5%庆大霉素溶液冲洗,剪除脱出的虹膜。术毕,球结膜下注射庆大霉素2万单位、地塞米松2mg。术后静脉滴注林可霉素1.8 g、地塞米松5mg。术后12小时,右眼剧痛伴头
Example 1 Patient Male 22-year-old farmer working in the vegetable fields, debris splashed into the right eye, depending on the material is not clear for 1 hour. Right eye vision manual, normal light positioning, 1.5 left eye. Right conjunctival moderate mixed congestion. Central corneal longitudinal split to the corneal limbum full length 6mm. Iris part prolapsed, shallow anterior chamber, a small amount of bleeding. Crystal anterior capsule is still intact. Peeping unclear. X-ray orbital, lateral radiographs no positive foreign body. Local anesthesia right corneal wound suture, wound Department of 0.5% gentamicin solution wash, cut off the prolapse of the iris. Surgery completed, the ball conjunctival injection of gentamicin 20000 units, dexamethasone 2mg. Postoperative intravenous infusion of lincomycin 1.8 g, dexamethasone 5mg. 12 hours after surgery, right eye pain with head