主席,各位代表: 周恩來總理關於政府工作的報告和郭沫若主任關於文化教育工作的發言,我完全同意。現在我就高等教育工作的主要缺點和今後努力方向作簡要的補充發言,請各位代表指正。全國高等教育經過了建國初期的恢復和整頓,到一九五二年,又在全國教師思想改造運動獲得很大成績的基礎上,學習蘇聯先進經驗,改革教育制度,進行院系調整和專業設置,開始教學改革,強調了培養工農幹部,從而舊的高等教育已基本上改變爲工人階級領導的、適應國家建設需要的、新的高等教
PRESIDENT, Distinguished Delegates: Premier Zhou Enlai’s report on the work of the government and Director Guo Moruo’s speech on cultural and educational work, I fully agree. Now I will give a brief and supplementary speech on the major shortcomings of higher education and on the direction of its future endeavors. I ask Members to correct them. After the restoration and reorganization of the nationwide higher education in the early days of the founding of the nation, on the basis of great achievements made by the teachers’ ideological reform movement nationwide in 1952, they learned the advanced experience of the Soviet Union, reformed the education system, adjusted faculties and professional settings , Started the teaching reform and emphasized that workers and peasants and cadres should be cultivated. As a result, the old higher education has basically been transformed into a new higher education led by the working class and adapted to the needs of the nation’s construction