Chemical Chaperones Increasing Expression Level of Soluble Single-chain Fv Antibody(scFv2F3)

来源 :Chemical Research in Chinese Universities | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yeshen
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Glutathione peroxidase(GPX) is a selenoenzyme that protects the biomembrane and other cellular components {against} oxidative damage. The selenium-containing single chain Fv fragment of monoclonal antibody 2F3(Se-scFv2F3) is a kind of GPX mimic and it has a wide clinical applications because of its high activity and low antigenicity. {Se-scFv2F3} is generated by the chemical modification of the single chain Fv fragment of monoclonal antibody 2F3(scFv2F3), which can be expressed in E. coli. In this article, the effect of chemical chaperones, such as glycerol, glucose, and β-cyclodextrin added to the culture medium, on the expression of soluble scFv2F3 was investigated. The expression level was evaluated by the determination of soluble scFv2F3 contents in the whole cell lysates. The results suggest that both glycerol and β-cyclodextrin greatly increase the expression level of soluble scFv2F3, and β-cyclodextrin is found to be more effective compared with glycerol. Glucose has a slight effect on the expression level of soluble scFv2F3. This is the first example, wherein β-cyclodextrin has been used as a chemical chaperone during the cell culture to improve the expression level of recombinant proteins. In addition, chemical chaperones are found to decrease the toxic effect of IPTG on cells. Glutathione peroxidase (GPX) is a selenoenzyme that protects the biomembrane and other cellular components {against} oxidative damage. The selenium-containing single chain Fv fragment of monoclonal antibody 2F3 (Se-scFv2F3) is a kind of GPX mimic and it has a wide clinical applications because of its high activity and low antigenicity. {Se-scFv2F3} is generated by the chemical modification of the single chain Fv fragment of monoclonal antibody 2F3 (scFv2F3), which can be expressed in E. coli. In this article, the effect of chemical chaperones, such as glycerol, glucose, and β-cyclodextrin added to the culture medium, on the expression of soluble scFv2F3 was investigated. The expression level was evaluated by the determination of soluble scFv2F3 contents in the whole cell lysates. The results suggests that both glycerol and β-cyclodextrin greatly increase the expression level of soluble scFv2F3, and β-cyclodextrin is found to be more effective than with glycerol. Glucose has a slight effect on the expression level of soluble scFv2F3. This is the first example, wherein β-cyclodextrin has been used as a chemical chaperone during the cell culture to improve the expression level of recombinant proteins. In addition, chemical chaperones are found to decrease the toxic effect of IPTG on cells.
时光流逝,人们也许还没有忘记一个响亮的名字:马富! 马富,南通市汽车运输总公司(原)板车工人,六十年代初期的全国著名劳动模范。他在平凡的岗位上忘我劳动,助人为乐,被人们
目的 了解不同杀菌性抗生素杀菌过程致细菌内毒素释放的不同特点。方法 采用鲎基质偶氮法检测常用抗生素在2倍最低抑菌浓度下对大肠杆菌杀菌过程中细菌内毒素的释放水平,分别计算活菌数持续下降阶段平均每减少一个对数数量级(lg)菌落形成单位所致内毒素的释放量(减数期释放率)和杀菌后期存活菌数基本稳定阶段内毒素水平的增加比率(稳定期递增率)。结果 各种抗生素依其致内毒素释放能力的大小大致可分为高、中、低三群。
几年来,我局以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,坚持“两手抓,两手都要硬”的方针,全面落实科学发展观,以“带好队,收好税”为目标,以“创文明行业, In recent year