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南非赛场,又到名就之时,今卷土重来,必搏一功名也。以贝利之明,量我之才,固知争冠路,才弱敌强也。然不一搏,绿鹰锈矣。惟坐而待亡,孰与伐之?出线之日,问题多多,主帅难定,众将讨薪。思惟南非;非不自惜也,顾王业不可得偏安于地方,故冒危难,以奉国民众意也,而议者谓为非计。球员各持己见,论安言计,动引圣人,狐疑满腹,众难塞胸,今岁不战,今年不征,使加纳、科特迪瓦坐大,遂并非洲,致我绿军被低看也。欧美势强,殊绝于人,历届杯赛,无出其右,然也有朝鲜爆冷,韩国崛起,突厥横行,东欧雷霆。韩日大地,欧美诸强接倒于韩国脚下,列强犹有此失,如今在我黑土,如何不能一搏?自阿莫杜升帐,执掌两年耳,弃阿加霍瓦、马金瓦、阿弗拉比、乌塔卡、阿尼切贝等数十将,启阿德莱耶、阿德费米、埃图胡、阿克帕拉、奥巴西等多人。此皆近年之内所纠合之精锐,然核心之将马丁斯、雅库布、雅博皆以近而立,复四年,损三分之二也,当何以敌?夫难平者,事也。昔年败军于韩日,当此时,欧美拊手,谓非洲穷矣。然后加纳连科特迪瓦,西取德意志,举世震惊,此欧美之失计,而非洲将成也。然后科特迪瓦遇险,加纳崩黜,双双蹉跌,致意大利称帝。凡事如是,难可逆见。2010天时地利人和,非洲必鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已;至于成败利钝,非我辈之明所能逆睹也。 South Africa track, but also to the name of the moment, this comeback, will fight a successful name also. To Bailey of Ming, the amount of me, Gu Zhi fight Crown Road, only weak enemy strong also. However, no rush, Green Eagle rust carry on. However, sitting and waiting to die, what is the cut? The date of qualifying, a lot of problems, coach difficult to set, the public will pay. Thinking of South Africa; non-regrettable also, Wang Wang industry can not be biased in place, so take the risk, to serve the public opinion also, and the council is not counted. Players dissent each other, on account of safety, moving sage, full of suspicion, crowded chest, this year no war, no sign of this year, so that Ghana, Côte d’Ivoire sit big, and then Africa, I Green Army was low-profile also . Strong potential in Europe and the United States, no person, the previous Cup, without exception, but also North Korea upset, the rise of South Korea, Turkic rampant, the Eastern European Thunder. South Korea and Japan earth, Europe and the United States Zhu Qiang took it at the foot of South Korea, the powers still have this loss, and now in my black soil, how can not stroke? Almodovar raised account, in charge of two ears, abandoned agajo, makinwa, Afrarabi, Utaka, Anichebei and dozens will, Kai Adelaide, Adefumi, Etuhu, Akepara, Obama and many others. This is the elite in recent years, the essence of the consolidation, but the core of Martins, Yakubu, Yabo are all close, complex four years, loss of two-thirds, why the enemy’s husband and wife, things also. The defeat of the army in the past years in South Korea and Japan, when at this time, Europe and the United States overhand, that Africa is poor carry on. Then Ghana with Cote d’Ivoire, West Germany, the world shocked, this Europe and the United States lost track, and Africa will become. Then Côte d’Ivoire was in distress and Ghana collapsed, both of whom plunged, calling Italy the emperor. All things happen, hard to see the contrary. In 2010, when the favorable conditions are met, Africa will make every effort to spare no efforts. As for the successes and the losses, it is impossible for us to turn a blind eye to it.
夏玉蓉师承重庆市太极高手刘鸿奎,拳法精湛,动作优美,习练多年,深受其益。2004年5月退休后,前往新加坡,陪伴在那里工作的女儿。到了新加坡以后,她仍剑不离手,坚持练 Xia Yur