In recent years, with the progress of petroleum exploration, the Tertiary sporopollen fossils also become more and more rich.The author systematically organized eleven sporopollen assemblages in the Tertiary, Guangdong Province, Stratigraphic correlation with the ancient flora in the eastern continental basins including the Tertiary in the northern continental shelf of the South China Sea.The term “combination of sporopollen superiority” is a statistical method for the dominant families in modern plant communities, The sporopollen fossils which are transferred to the strata are counted as the highest percentage of the sporopollen assemblages and are used to identify the geologic age according to the combination characteristics.The authors consider that the sporopollen superior combination A method not only distinguishes stratigraphic and regional contrasts not only in the identification period but also in the aspects of ancient fauna that reflect different epochs in the ancient flora geographical area and retrospective evolution history of the past ancient flora, effect.