读了《教师之友》第5期上魏宗峤老师的《“六根”还是“七根”》一文后,深有感触。魏老师是给走上了教坛的新教师上课时才发现了“六根”的新鲜话题,而十几年来站在中学讲台前的我发现,现今中学生的思想更是丰富而又奇特: 曾给学生布置过这样的作文题:三人出去打猎,分别发现、打死、捡回了兔子,问如给他们评奖,谁该获一等奖?结果115位学生有93位把奖给了第三位,理由为:他是最聪明的猎人。前几日教《<指南录>后序》,谈到文天祥的誓
After reading “No. 6” or “No. 7” by Mr. Wei Zongtao on “Teacher Friend No. 5”, he was deeply touched. Wei teacher found a new topic of “six” for new teachers who took to the religious arena. However, in the past ten years or so standing in front of the middle school podium, I found that the thoughts of today's middle school students are even more rich and peculiar: The students arranged such essay questions: Three went out to hunt, were found, killed, picked up the rabbit and asked who gave them the prize, who won the first prize? Results 115 students have the prize to the third Bits, the reason is: he is the smartest hunter. A few days ago to teach “Guide Record” after the order, talking about Wen Tianxiang's oath