Role of Insulin-like Growth Factor II Receptor in Transdifferentiation of Free Silica-induced Primar

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Objective To study the role of insulin-like growth factor II receptor in free silica-induced transdifferentiation of primary rat lung fibroblasts Methods Rat lung fibroblasts and rat alveolar macrophages were cultured.A transdifferentiation model of primary rat lung fibroblasts was induced by free silica.Levels ofα-SMA protein,IGF-IIR protein and mRNA were measured by immunocytochemistry,Western blot and RT-PCR,respectively.Lung fibroblasts were treated with Wortmannin.Results The expression levels ofα-SMA and IGF-IIR increased with the increasing free silica concentration and decreased after Wortmannin was used.Conclusion The IGF-IIR plays an important role in free silica-induced transdifferentiation of primary rat lung fibroblasts. Objective To study the role of insulin-like growth factor II receptor in free silica-induced transdifferentiation of primary rat lung fibroblasts Methods Rat lung fibroblasts and rat alveolar macrophages were cultured. A transdifferentiation model of primary rat lung fibroblasts was induced by free silica. Levels ofα-SMA protein, IGF-IIR protein and mRNA were measured by immunocytochemistry, Western blot and RT-PCR, respectively.Lung fibroblasts were treated with Wortmannin. Results of the expression levels ofα-SMA and IGF-IIR increased with the increasing free silica concentration and decreased after Wortmannin was used. Confc The IGF-IIR plays an important role in free silica-induced transdifferentiation of primary rat lung fibroblasts.
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