
来源 :中共宁波市委党校学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ydy448681577
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五四运动并不是20世纪发生在中国的孤立事件,它既是1840年以来中国现代化进程的组成部分,又是自文艺复兴以来一连串世界事件的延续。五四运动是发生在20世纪初中国的文艺复兴和启蒙运动,但其相应于文艺复兴第一阶段的“人的解放”未能完成,而相当于文艺复兴第二阶段的由精英向平民回归、由理想走向务实和转向物质生产及消费、转向平民和大众化,则在改革开放的第二阶段中,即1992年邓小平南方谈话后,以发展市场经济的形式得以体现。因此,中国有必要在第二阶段发展的一定时期,回过头来补第一阶段的课,以使第二阶段得到更好的发展。 The May 4th Movement was not an isolated incident in China in the 20th century. It was both an integral part of the process of China’s modernization since 1840 and a continuation of a series of world events since the Renaissance. The May 4th Movement was a Renaissance and Enlightenment that took place in China in the early 20th century. However, the “liberation of man” corresponding to the first stage of the Renaissance failed to be completed, and the second phase of the Renaissance consisted of an elite After the return of civilians, from ideal to pragmatism and shift to material production and consumption, to civilian population and popularization, in the second stage of reform and opening up, after Deng Xiaoping talked about the South in 1992, it was reflected in the form of developing a market economy. Therefore, it is necessary for China to come back to supplement the first-phase class during the second phase of development so that the second phase can be better developed.