眶颅穿透性损伤虽属少见,却是一种严重的外伤,有危及患者生命的危险。我院于1980年曾报导一例经开颅手术取除异物后治愈,最近又遇见一名因伤及脑干抢救无效而致死的病例,报告如下: 马××,男,20岁,工人,于1982年9月28日下午4时入院,住院号109325。患者于入院前半小时被炉钎刺伤右眼,钎从右眼内眦部穿入,深度据称约有6厘米左右,虽
Although traumatic orbital penetrating injury is rare, it is a serious trauma, endangering the patient’s life. Our hospital reported in 1980, a case of craniotomy after removal of foreign body cured, recently met another case of injury caused by injury and brain stem failure died, the report is as follows: Male × ×, male, 20 years old, workers, at September 28, 1982 at 4 pm admission, hospital number 109,325. Patients were stabbed in the right eye half an hour before admission, brazing from the Department of the right eye into the Ministry of internal wear, allegedly about the depth of about 6 cm, although