蒙特利尔 冬日里探寻美味的温度

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“我的国家并不是土地,而是冬天。”这是我第一次乘坐加拿大的长途巴士,上一次去蒙特利尔旅行是前年初春,那时搭乘VIA观光列车,沿着与眼前全然不同的路轨慢行至那座传闻里充斥着法式情调的加东城市。车窗外此时降落着雨雪的混合物质,车辆在减速,不知是我们的错觉还是天气的客观因素,严冬使一切进展迟缓。从多伦多到蒙特利尔大致需六个多小时,大巴沿着状似笔直宽阔的 “My country is not land, but winter.” "This is my first long coaching trip to Canada. My last trip to Montreal was early last spring, when I took a VIA tour train and took a totally different look. The track slowed to the city of Katong, where the rumor was filled with French sentiment. At this moment, the mixture of rain and snow landed on the window of the vehicle, and the vehicle slowed down. I do not know whether it is our illusion or the objective factor of the weather. The winter has made all progress slow. It takes roughly more than six hours from Toronto to Montreal, with buses that look straight and wide