[题一] 最近,我国北方不少地区的温度骤降到零下好几度,有的地区还降了大雪,创下50多年来同期气温最低的纪录。寒风、大雪给人们的生活带来很多不便。假如你是该地区的一员,面对早早来到的刺骨的寒风和冰冷的雪花,你有什么感慨?你想了些什么?你想说些什么?
[Question 1] Recently, temperatures in many areas of northern China have plummeted to several degrees below zero, and heavy snow has fallen in some areas, setting the record for the lowest temperature in more than 50 years. Cold winds and heavy snow bring a lot of inconvenience to people’s lives. If you are a member of the region, what do you think about the biting wind and cold snow that came early? What do you think? What do you want to say?