Influences of Shrinkage,Creep,and Temperature on the Load Distributions in Reinforced Concrete Build

来源 :Tsinghua Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liuxing20090113
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Site measurements have shown that slab loads re-distribute,between the slabs during the concrete curing,while the external loadings and structural geometry remain the same.Some have assumed that this is caused by concrete shrinkage and creep,but there have been no studies on how these factors exactly influence the load distributions and to what degree these influences exist.This paper analyzes the influences of concrete shrinkage,creep,and temperature on the load re-distributions among slabs.Although these factors may all lead to load re-distribution,the results show that the influence of concrete shrinkage can be neglected.Simulations indicate that shrinkage only reduces slab loads by a maximum of 1.1%.Creep,however,may reduce the maximum slab load by from 3% to 16% for common construction schemes.More importantly,temperature variations between day and night can cause load fluctuation as large as 31.6%.This analysis can,therefore,assist site engineers to more accurately estimate slab loads for construction planning. Site measurements have shown that slab during the concrete curing, while the external loadings and structural geometry remain the same.Some have assumed that this is caused by concrete shrinkage and creep, but there have been no studies on how these factors exactly influence the load distributions and to what degree these influences exist.This paper analyzes the influences of concrete shrinkage, creep, and temperature on the load re-distributions among slabs .Although these factors may all lead to load re-distribution, the results show that the influence of concrete shrinkage can be neglected. Simulations indicate that shrinkage only reduces slab loads by a maximum of 1.1% .Creep, however, may reduce the maximum slab load by from 3% to 16% for common construction schemes. More importantly, temperature variations between day and night can cause load fluctuation as large as 31.6%. This analysis can, therefore, assist site engineers to more accurately estimate slab loads for construction planning.
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