图结和文明的盛会 金秋季节,丹桂飘香,阴阳相济,气候宜人。10月9日,参加’97浙、闽、赣三省虚灵功学术研讨会的代表们从四面八方来到山河秀丽,风光旖旎的浙江省龙泉市。 龙泉市位于浙、闽、赣三省的边陲。古往今来,“三省”人民有着密切友好的往来,相互交流,携手共进。现在,叶芳扬老师悟创的中国道家虚灵功,又给“三省”的虚灵功学友结下了不解之缘。浙江龙泉市是叶芳扬老师的家乡,又是他曾经工作和练功修道的地方;江西上饶是叶芳扬老师的出生地,宜丰、铜鼓是他成长的地方,鹰潭龙虎山是他拜师学艺之地;福建是叶芳扬老师普及虚灵功、开展人体科学研究的主要工
Figure knot and civilization event autumn season, Osmanthus fragrance, yin and yang with economic, pleasant climate. On October 9, delegates attending the Symposium on the Virtual Power Symposium in ’97 Zhejiang, Fujian and Jiangxi Provinces came to Longquan City, Zhejiang Province, with beautiful scenery and beautiful scenery from all directions. Longquan City is located in Zhejiang, Fujian and Jiangxi provinces border. Throughout the ages, the people of the “three provinces” have close and friendly exchanges and exchanges with each other and work together. Now, the teacher of Falun Dafa made by Yifang Yang, the founder of the Chinese Taoist school, has given indissoluble bonds to the virtual spiritual friends of the “three provinces.” Longquan City, Zhejiang Province, is the hometown of Ye Fangyang, but also the place where he once worked and practiced martial arts. Shangrao, Jiangxi Province, was the birthplace of Ye Fangyang’s teacher. Yifeng and Tonggu were the places where he grew up. ; Fujian is the main worker Ye Fangyang popularize the spiritual power to carry out human science research