我馆为“星火”计划服务工作的情况 1986年底,文化厅关于为“星火”计划的文件下达后,加快了我们科技服务工作的节奏,一方面派人参加全区协调办公室工作,并向县馆发函建立协调关系。另一方面,组成馆领导为首的“星火”小组,制定了工作方案,并立即调拨财力,去落实决策.这几年来,我们主要做了以下几方面的工作。 1、突出信息服务工作的重要性,编辑了《信息快报》、《“星火’协调工作》、《决策信息参考》等刊物,开展了多种信息
Our Library Services for “Spark Program” At the end of 1986, after the document issued by the Department of Culture on “Spark Program” accelerated the tempo of our science and technology service work, on the one hand, sent personnel to participate in the work of coordinating offices in the whole district, Hall letter to establish coordination relations. On the other hand, the “Spark” group headed by the leadership of the organizing committee has formulated a work plan and immediately allocated financial resources to make decisions. In the past few years, we have mainly done the following tasks. 1. Highlighting the importance of information service work, editing such publications as “Information Letters,” “Sparks’ Coordination Work,” and “Decision Information Reference,” carried out a variety of information