人体胎盘泌乳素(Human PlacentalLactogen,HPL)是妊娠妇女胎盘分泌的蛋白类激素,妊娠妇女血清中HPL的含量随胎盘功能变化而改变,由于HPL半衰期仅20分,所以当胎盘功能衰退时,首先可以从妊妇的血清中测得其变化。比较绒毛膜促性腺
Human PlacentalLactogen (HPL) is a protein hormone secreted by the placenta of pregnant women. The content of HPL in the serum of pregnant women varies with the function of the placenta. Because the half life of HPL is only 20 minutes, when the placental function declines, The changes were measured from the pregnant women’s serum. Compare chorionic gonadal