GPS,即全球卫星导航系统(Global Positioning System),是以全球24颗定位人造卫星为基础,向全球各地全天候地提供三维位置、三维速度等信息的一种无线电导航定位系统。随着汽车电子技术的飞速发展,车载导航与信息娱乐系统正逐渐成为汽车厂商追捧的热点。本文将围绕车载导航与信息娱乐系统的发展方向,为汽车电子设计工程师和技术管理人员提供一个方向性的参考意见。
GPS, the Global Positioning System, is a radionavigation and positioning system that provides three-dimensional position and three-dimensional velocities around the world based on 24 global positioning satellites. With the rapid development of automotive electronics technology, car navigation and infotainment systems are gradually becoming sought after by car manufacturers. This article will focus on the car navigation and infotainment system development direction for the automotive electronics design engineers and technical management personnel to provide a directional reference.