A. Clark and D. Chalmers demonstrate the positive role of the external environment in the cognitive process through the ideological experiment, highlighting the constitutive position of the external environment in the soul, and then propose to extend the spiritual thesis: A part of the world is part of the mind, the belief is not confined to the brain, the soul has been extended to the world. Extending the spiritualism has caused great controversy in the recent Western cognitive and philosophical circles. Adams, Rupert, Fodor, et al. Respectively carried out the same principles, coupling-formation, tendentious belief and immediate belief on the extension of spiritualism Questioned and criticized; while Clarke, Menarray, etc. were the response and defense. Some scholars, such as Canmano, Anderson, and Mai Ran, revised and extended the telepathic theory and proposed the integration of the mind and the evolution of the mind. The extension of spiritualism may be theoretically deficient, but its new thinking of the cardio-mental world has profound philosophical and epistemological implications for revealing the mechanisms of mind and cognition.