蕾哈娜·戴文波特(Rhana Jean Devenport),新西兰Govett-Brewster艺术馆馆长。她认为,2013上海设计展对她来说是一个非常不可思议的展览。单从展示的场地空间上看,场馆非常新颖,作品也非常有趣。整个空间规模很大,这样可以容纳很多具有创新性的艺术设计作品,并且为观众提供了丰富多彩的活动体验。因此,选择现代艺术馆来作为展览空间是个非常明智的决定,因为这个场地能够完全支持此次展览的规模,能够完全满足展品陈列的需要,并且能够提供给观众和作品之间互动体验。
Rhana Jean Devenport, Curator of the Govett-Brewster Art Gallery in New Zealand. She believes that 2013 Shanghai Design Fair for her is a very incredible exhibition. From the space of the venue, the venues are very new and the works are very interesting. The entire space is large enough to accommodate a number of innovative art and design works and to provide the audience with a rich and colorful event experience. Choosing the Museum of Modern Art as a space for exhibitions is therefore a very sensible decision as it fully supports the scale of the exhibition and fully meets the needs of the exhibits and provides an interactive experience between the audience and the works.