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马铃薯具有产量高、适应性强、生育期短、营养丰富、耐贮藏、粮菜兼用的特点,早已成为深受人们欢迎的作物之一。营口县马铃薯的栽培历史比较悠久,特别是最近几年,以土豆为前茬的复种面积迅速增加。但是,老品种混杂退化比较严重,生育期长,不利倒茬、易感病害、产量低,农民迫切要求更换抗病性强、退化轻、早熟高产、品质好的优良品种。为此,我们在1983年从东北农学院引进“东农303”马铃薯。经过1983、1984两年所内品种比较试验,取得了显著的经济效果。经过五年的试验和大面积生产示范观察积累,将该品种的特性与高产栽培技术分述如下。一、主要经济性状 1、出苗早、生长快:在相同催芽播种 Potato with high yield, adaptability, short growth period, nutrient-rich, storage-resistant, food and use of both features, has long been one of the popular crops. The cultivation history of potatoes in Yingkou County has a long history. Especially in recent years, the area of ​​multi-cropping with potato as the former crop rapidly increases. However, the older breed aggrandizement degenerates more seriously, the growth period is long, unfavorable stubble, susceptible disease and yield are low. Peasants urgently need to replace the fine varieties with strong disease resistance, light degradation, high yield of early maturity and good quality. To this end, we introduced the “Dongnong 303” potato from Northeast Agricultural College in 1983. After 1983, 1984 two years of comparative tests within the species, and achieved remarkable economic results. After five years of experiments and large-scale production demonstration observation accumulation, the characteristics of the varieties and high-yielding cultivation techniques are described below. First, the main economic traits 1, early emergence, rapid growth: in the same germination sowing
远离躁动的尘寰,这里只有一线天光,葱绿的幽暗、苔藓的曲径……他怅然的心低沉而深远,甘愿让那波动心扉的弦逐渐消散。 Away from the agitated dust atlas, there is only
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50岁的陈先生近几天阴茎长时间异常勃起,十分痛苦。来到郑州大学一附院就诊,经介入治疗中心主任韩新巍教授采用疏通血管方法治疗,才恢复正常状态。  据韩教授介绍,近3个月内,该院介入中心已经连续接诊了6名阴茎长时间异常勃起的患者,其中一名病人因勃起时间长达6天,虽经抢救性治疗,生命无虞,但患者的阴茎海绵体已经机化(纤维化),失去了性功能。追问病因,这些患者自称是喝了某品牌的保健酒,或吃了老鳖之后,出现
回陈文媛小荷才露尖尖角 Chen Wenyuan Xiao He was sharp
Abstract:In recent decades, bilingual teaching or CILI is becoming a popular teaching method in some Chinese schools and universities. The popularity of CLIL will bring this course huge market demands