家族性三叉神经痛,指同一家族有二个成员以上患三叉神经痛。国外报道少,国内偶有个例报导。且少年发病较少见,笔者发现一家系,报告如下: 病例报告;女性,16岁,学生,因左面颊阵发性、烧灼样剧痛半年余。患者以左侧面部三叉神经第二、三枝分布区域,呈阵发性,烧灼样跳疼,每持续数秒到1分仲左右,常于洗脸或大笑时发作,呈闪电式。速发速止,于发病二个月时。开始服用卡马西平。叉癫宁一个月明显凑效,发作次数间隔时间均减少。
Familial trigeminal neuralgia, refers to the same family has more than two members suffering from trigeminal neuralgia. Few foreign reports, the occasional domestic case report. And juvenile onset is rare, I found a family, the report is as follows: Case reports; Female, 16 years old, students, due to left cheek paroxysmal, burning pain like more than six months. Patient to the left side of the trigeminal nerve second, three distribution area, paroxysmal, burning kind of pain, each lasting several seconds to 1 minute or so, often in the face wash or laughter, was lightning. Rapid stop fast, at the onset of two months. Start taking carbamazepine. Fork-banding a month apparently effective, the number of seizures were reduced interval time.