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进入网络化信息时代,作为传统媒体的报纸面临来自新媒介的激烈竞争。为了应对新环境的挑战,报纸的内部生态调适与外部扩张的多元化发展便成为目前中国报业改革中的一组有着很高相关性的现实问题和理论界必须解决的重要课题。而因特网最让人惊异的地方就是发展速度,中国报纸网络化不过短短四、五年,却已从依附者的角色报纸网络版转向了拥有独立意识的报纸网站实体。这种变化自1999年下半年开始出现,并有逐渐扩散的趋势,而本文正是对这一发展空前迅速的信息时代环境下,对中国报纸网络化这一传统媒体产业的新趋势及其发展状况进行探讨与分析。 Entering the era of networked information, newspapers as traditional media face fierce competition from new media. In order to meet the challenges of the new environment, the diversified development of the newspaper’s internal ecological adjustment and external expansion has become a set of realistic problems with very high relevance in China’s newspaper industry reform and an important issue that theorists must solve. Whereas the most amazing thing about the Internet is the pace of development. However, just four or five years after the Chinese newspapers were networked, the newspaper newspaper online version of the role of dependents turned to a newspaper website entity with independent awareness. This kind of change has appeared since the second half of 1999, and has the trend of gradual proliferation. This article is just a new trend and its development of the traditional media industry with the network of Chinese newspapers in this information age environment of unprecedented development Situation to explore and analyze.
今年3月,是毛主席、党中央主动撤出延安70周年。回想當时在延安中学的战斗生活,许多往事历历在目,终生难忘。延安中学一分为二  1947年3月,蒋介石集中34个旅约25万人大举进攻延安。而彭德怀、习仲勋领导的西北人民解放军只有六个旅2.6万余人,加上三个地方旅和一个骑兵师1.6万余人。在敌我兵力过于悬殊的情况下,毛泽东作出英明决策,暂时放弃延安,依靠陕北优越的群众条件和有利地形,与敌人周旋,寻机歼灭
Task—based language teaching has become a hot topic in second language teaching in recent years.This paper mainly gives a frame work to discuss this teaching m