本刊第六期载有「美国第二十届化学工业展览会纪要」一文,读者对于近年美国化学工业的发展情形,谅已获得一些概括的观念。最近英国的皇家化学工业公司Imperial Chemical Industries,Ltd.也在伦敦主办一次化学研究展览会,表明英国近年来的化学发明正如一颗巨星,照耀世界,不但因此而得收获这次世界大战的胜利之果,而且对于后此的世界和平和人类幸福做了极大的供献。在这里也可以约略介绍一点。
The sixth issue contains the “Twentieth America Chemical Industry Exhibition minutes,” a reader for the United States in recent years the development of the chemical industry, forgive me have some general concept. Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., the British royal chemical industry recently, also hosted a chemical research exhibition in London, showing that the chemical inventions in Britain in recent years have served as a superstar to the world and have not only won the victory of this world war But also made great contributions to the peace and human happiness in the world afterwards. Here can also be a little introduction.