DSH(Deutsche Sprachpruefung fuer den Hochschulz auslaendischer Studienbewerber)即“外国学习申请者高校入学德语考试”,是用来测试申请者是否已具备在德国高校独立生活和完成专业学习的语言能力。大多数申请到德国上大学的学生(除英语类授课专业外)都必须通过DSH,才有机会正式在德国高校注册上课。 DSH由笔试和口试二部分组成。德国的很多高校允许考生在考试时带一本单语字典,当然,也有学校不允许这样做。因为,在考试中所出现的文章都会涉及到特别的专业知识。 DSH的笔试部分需要3~4个小时,其中包括4小项:
DSH (Deutsche Sprachpruefung fuer den Hochschulz auslaendischer Studienbewerber) is the “German exam for university entrance exams for foreign study applicants”, which is used to test whether applicants have acquired the language skills of living independently and completing professional studies in German universities. Most students who apply to go to university in Germany (except English major) must pass the DSH and have the opportunity to enroll in German universities. DSH consists of written and oral two parts. Many German universities allow candidates to take a single dictionary while exams, and of course there are schools that do not allow it. Because, appeared in the examination of the article will involve a special expertise. DSH’s written test takes 3 to 4 hours, including 4 small items: