例1、诸××,44岁.1980年9月13日以孕5个月引产3次失败,高烧23天而转入我院.患者1980年8月21日因停经5个月在某县医院行羊膜腔内注射利凡诺引产。术后第2天高热达40℃,经治疗后有所好转,但无宫缩,又用催产素静滴引产,仍无宫缩.5天后第2次经羊膜腔内注射利凡诺引产仍无效,并间断性高热达23天。入院后检查:体温38℃,发育正常,营养中等,神清,心肺未见异常,腹软,肝脾未及.下腹肿块(检查时认为是宫底)达脐下2指,听不到胎心.妇检:宫颈轻度糜烂,未作内诊检查。血、尿常规未发现异常。超声波探查:羊水平段7.5cm 液平,未见胎心、胎动反射波。
Example 1, Zhu × ×, 44 years old September 13, 1980 to pregnancy 5 months 3 failed induction of labor, high fever 23 days and transferred to our hospital patients August 21, 1980 due to menopause for 5 months in a county Amniocentesis in hospital with intravenous rivano induced abortion. High fever on the first 2 days after surgery up to 40 ℃, after treatment has been improved, but no contractions, but also intravenous infusion of oxytocin, there is no contractions .5 days after the second intra-amniotic injection of rivanol abortion is still Invalid, and intermittent high fever up to 23 days. After admission examination: body temperature 38 ℃, normal development, moderate nutrition, Shenqing, no abnormal heart and lung, abdomen soft, liver and spleen not yet .Abdominal tumor under the belly (check that the bottom of the palace) Heart. Gynecological examination: mild cervical erosion, not for internal examination. Blood, urine, no abnormalities found. Ultrasound: sheep level 7.5cm level, no fetal heart rate, fetal motion reflex waves.