各位领导 ,各位朋友 ,尊敬的韩国茶友们 :很高兴“中韩茶文化交流会“在江西南昌举行 ,作为东道主 ,我仅代表江西省社会科学院、江西省社会科学会联合会 ,向远道而来的韩国朋友和国内各地的专家、学者和茶艺界的朋友们 ,表示热烈的欢迎 !中韩两国的茶文化源远流长 ,中韩两国茶
Ladies and gentlemen, Dear Korean Tea Friends, “We are delighted that the” China-Korea tea culture exchange meeting "was held in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province. As the host, I represent only the Jiangxi Provincial Academy of Social Sciences and the Federation of Social Sciences of Jiangxi Province, My friends from Korea and experts, scholars and friends from tea industry all over the world warmly welcome! The tea culture of China and South Korea has a long history,