20 怎样认识和对待社会主义精神文明建设?

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社会主义精神文明建设,主要包括思想道德建设和教育科学文化建设两个方面.它的根本任务是,培育有理想、有道德、有文化、有纪律的社会主义公民,提高整个中华民族的思想道德水平和科学文化素养.十一届三中全会以来,我们党在大力促进物质文明建设的同时,对精神文明建设十分重视.一九八六年党的十二届六中全会通过了《中共中央关于社会主义精神文明建设指导方针的决议》,在这个决议的指导下,全党和全国人民做了大量工作,取得了显著成绩.但是,在一段时间内,由于党在指导工作中的某些失误,精神文明建设被严重忽视,出现了抓物质文明和精神文明一手硬、一手软,一手紧、一手松的状况,造成社会思想道德的混乱和滑坡.去年春夏之交发生的动乱和反革命暴乱,这不能不说是一个重要的原因.邓小平同志总结十年来的深刻教训时指出,十年最大的失误是教育.严酷的事实使我们认识到:在社会主义建设中,如果忽视或放松了社会主义精神文明建设,不但物质文明建设的任务难以实现,甚至有背离社会主义方向的危险. The construction of socialist spiritual civilization mainly consists of ideological and moral construction and education and scientific and cultural construction with the fundamental task of fostering a socialist citizen with ideals, morals, culture and discipline and enhancing the ideological and moral integrity of the entire Chinese nation Level and scientific and cultural accomplishments since the Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee, our party has attached great importance to the building of spiritual civilization while vigorously promoting the building of material civilization. In 1986, the Sixth Plenary Session of the Twelfth Central Committee of the Party adopted the “ The resolution on guiding guidelines for the building of a socialist spiritual civilization ”under the guidance of this resolution, a great deal of work has been done by the entire party and the people throughout the country and remarkable achievements have been made. However, for some time, due to some of the party's guiding work Mistakes and the construction of spiritual civilization were seriously neglected. There was a situation where the material and spiritual civilization were hard-won, soft-handed, tight-knit and loosened, resulting in confusion and landslides in social ideology and ethics. The turmoil and counterrevolution took place at the turn of the spring and summer last year Rioting, which can not but be said to be an important reason.Comrade Deng Xiaoping summarized the profound lessons of the past decade and pointed out that the biggest mistake in a decade It is a harsh fact that enables us to realize that in the process of building socialism, ignoring or relaxing the construction of socialist spiritual civilization will not only make the task of building a material civilization difficult to achieve, but may even deviate from the direction of socialism.
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