良种是壮苗的基础.在毛主席革命路线指引下,我省杨树良种选育工作已越来越为林业生产单位和社队所重视,群众性的引种育种工作正向纵深发展. 为了迅速推广优良品种和不断提高良种质量和繁殖率,我们在逐渐扩大良种繁殖面积,采用兄弟单位的科研成果,不断提高育苗操作技术和改进良种采穗圃的抚育管理措
Under the guidance of Chairman Mao’s revolutionary line, the breeding of poplar varieties in our province has become more and more important to the forestry production units and the communes and brigades, and the mass introduction and breeding work is going forward in depth. Promote good varieties and continuously improve the quality and breeding rate of improved varieties, we are gradually expanding the breeding area, using the research results of the brothers unit, and constantly improve the nursery operation techniques and improve seed management nursery nursery management measures