1942年6月12日,在陕西汉中西北联大医学院附属医院,一个穷学生的心脏停止了跳动.就是这位被病魔夺去性命的大学生,当年在重庆《国民公报》副刊《文群》上,在香港《时代文学》等报刊上,发表了大量的诗作.在西北大学为他举行的追悼大会上,杨晦教授致的悼词中曾把他比作英国诗人雪莱.著名作家端木蕻良在40年后的一篇纪念文章中说:“假如给他以充足的时间,他会表现出与马雅可夫斯基近似的锋芒来.” 他就是在抗日救国的时代洪流中涌现出来的东北青年作家群中的一名斗士和诗人——李满红.
On June 12, 1942, the heart of a poor student stopped beating in the affiliated hospital of Northwest United University Medical College in Hanzhong, Shaanxi Province. It was the student who had claimed his life by the sickness. In that year, , Published a large number of poems in newspapers and periodicals such as Hong Kong’s “Times Literature.” At a memorial ceremony held for him by Northwest University, Professor Yang Hui compared him to Shelley, a famous British poet, In a commemorative article 40 years later, Liang said: “If he was given enough time, he would have shown a similar edge to Mayakovsky.” He emerged from the torrent of anti-Japanese national salvation A fighter and poet in the Northeast young writers group - Li Manhong.