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新时期如何提高小学语文课堂教学有效性成为学校以及教师最为关注的话题,本文就相关的提高措施展开论述,旨在不断提高教师的教学艺术,促进学生全面发展。一、创建良好的师生关系和课堂氛围与传统教学观念不同,新改革提出教师与学生之间是平等的,教师要充分尊重学生的主体地位,要积极地鼓励学生发展个性,在课余时间,要不断展开与学生之间的交流、沟通,这样学生才能了解学生学习、生活中存在的问题并帮助学生解决问题。就 How to improve the effectiveness of Chinese primary school classroom teaching in the new era has become a topic that schools and teachers are most concerned about. This article discusses the related measures for improvement and aims to continuously improve teachers ’teaching art and promote students’ all-round development. First, to create a good relationship between teachers and students and the classroom atmosphere and the traditional teaching concept is different from the new reform proposed that teachers and students are equal, teachers should fully respect the dominant position of students, students should actively encourage the development of personality, in their spare time, To continue to communicate with students, so that students can understand the students learning, life problems and help students solve problems. on
下篇:在中央大学  一、受命于动乱之际  罗家伦提出辞职后,并没有得到教育部批准。但是他去意已决,便独自到武汉大学当了一名历史学教授。不料蒋介石到武汉后,先是让他回清华,后来又让他到南京担任中国政治学校教育长,并主持校务。中央政治学校的校长是蒋介石,其前身是中央党务学校,罗家伦曾参与该校筹备,因此他对这个学校非常熟悉。  罗家伦对于政治有自己的认识。他说:“不要仅存批评现状的态度,要存如果自己接上