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如今,营销概念满天飞,甚至还有所谓的“新营销”理论体系,让人目不暇接,也让人莫衷一是。最可怕的是,有些良莠混杂的营销理论或独创体系大行其道却又了无用处,还将真正的营销思想蒙蔽了。在所有这样那样的营销思想里面,却有非常特立独行的一种,与其它的营销思想与体系划清界线。它,以极为“反叛”“、否定”的不羁态度告诉营销人应该去“否定”一切,从而取得自己的独立空间。它恰到好处的应用,越来越影响一代营销人,不断成功的事实也在持续地证明其实效,也慢慢让其傲立于营销思想之林。它,正如一粒种子,在市场的考验下,茁壮成长、发扬光大。它,就是——“非”法营销。以下案例雄辩着:“成功一定有方法”,只要有实力作支撑,也不怕用“非”法来营销自己! Today, the concept of marketing is skyrocketing, and there is even a so-called “new marketing” theoretical system that makes people dizzying and unwilling to agree. The most frightening thing is that some mixed marketing theories or original systems are popular but useless, and they have blinded real marketing ideas. In all such marketing ideas, there is a very unique type of marketing, with other marketing ideas and systems to draw a demarcation line. It, with its unrelenting attitude of “rebel” and “negation,” told marketers that they should “negate” everything and gain their own independent space. Its just-applicable application has increasingly influenced a generation of marketers. The fact of continuous success is also continuously proving its effectiveness, and it has slowly allowed it to stand proud among marketing ideology. It is, like a seed, thriving and flourishing under the test of the market. It is - “non-” marketing law. The following cases are eloquent: “There must be methods for success.” As long as they have the strength to support, they are not afraid to use the “non-” method to market themselves!
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