战国晚期楚国著名作家宋玉既擅长辞赋 ,又精通音乐。他的《笛赋》和《微咏赋》是中国文学史上最早描写音乐的文学作品。其中《笛赋》是第一篇描写乐器的文学作品 ,《微咏赋》是第一篇描写声乐的文学作品。他崇尚高雅音乐、鄙薄新声俗乐 ;认为竹笛演奏的奇曲雅乐具有禁淫御暴功能 ;美妙的歌声必须感情深厚、思绪美好、声音独特、音乐纯正。宋玉的音乐美学思想深受北方儒家思想的影响 ,是战国晚期南北文化渗透与融合的反映。
Song Yu, a famous writer in the late Warring States period, was both good at fu and good at music. His “Fu Fu” and “Wei Yong Fu” are the earliest literary works that describe music in the history of Chinese literature. One “flute Fu” is the first piece of literature describing the instrument, “Wei Yong Fu” is the first description of vocal literature. He advocates elegant music and despises new vulgar music. He believes that playing bamboo flute has the virtues of forbidding sexual impotence and violent suppression. The wonderful singing voice must have deep feelings, good thoughts, unique sounds and pure music. Song Yu’s music aesthetics is deeply influenced by Confucianism in the North and is a reflection of the infiltration and integration of South and North cultures in the late Warring States.