野蔷薇(Rosa multiflora Thunb)是蔷薇科(Roaaceae)蔷薇属(Rosa)植物,多年生落叶灌木,有钩状刺,俗称“倒钩刺”。五、六月开花,花白色或粉红色,甚香,花能清暑热,解渴,止血;根有活血通络、收敛作用,治关节炎、小便失禁、白带、月经不调;叶外用可治肿毒等等。目前,野蔷薇在我国处于野生或半野生状态,各地虽有栽培,但多用作绿篱或用作蔷薇属花卉植物的砧木,其果实营养及利用价值尚未被人们所熟悉和重视。
Rosa multiflora Thunb is a Rosa plant of the Roaaceae, perennial deciduous shrub with hooked thorns, commonly known as barb stings. May and June flowering, flowers white or pink, very fragrant, flowers can clear the heat, quench their thirst, stop bleeding; root Huoxuetongluo, convergence, cure arthritis, urinary incontinence, leucorrhea, irregular menstruation; Swollen poison and so on. At present, the wild rose is wild or semi-wild in our country. Although cultivated everywhere, it is often used as a hedge or as a rootstock of a rose plant, and its fruit nutrition and utilization value have not yet been known and valued by people.