90年代初,一个陌生的地名突然热闹起来——大亚湾。它在报章、杂志、人们口头出现的频率之高,确实令人瞩目。全国经济热点在广东,广东当时的热中之热要数惠州的大亚湾。 这两年,大亚湾忽而销声匿迹了。大亚湾怎么了?有人说:大亚湾是两张皮——炒地皮、吹牛皮,现在不行了;也有人说:大亚湾是泡沫经济的产物。记者不久前两下大亚湾采访,企望窥探其真实的面目。一个强烈的感受是:大亚湾没有完,“汽车梦”仍在延续!
In the early 90s, a strange place name suddenly lively up - Daya Bay. The high frequency of its verbal appearance in newspapers, magazines and people is truly remarkable. Hot spots in the economy in Guangdong, Guangdong at the time of the heat to the Huaiyang Daya Bay. In two years, Daya Bay suddenly disappeared. What is going on in Daya Bay? Some people say: Daya Bay is two skins - frying land and blowing leather and now it is impossible. Some people say that Daya Bay is a product of the bubble economy. Recently, reporters interviewed Daya Bay in an attempt to spy on its true colors. A strong feeling is: Daya Bay is not over, “car dream” is still continuing!