A recent U.S. survey shows that for 40 years there has been a marked decline in respect for the federal government and a drastic reduction in the number of outstanding young people who choose to hold public office in the government sector. The pool of talent that has been harnessed in the past - an accomplished class of professional civilian officials - is facing the danger of drying up and attracting the most accomplished graduates of the nation’s most prestigious universities and specialized colleges to the lowest positions in the federal government The more difficult it has become a dilemma for the U.S. government: it can not be imagined one day countless extremely important positions can only be undertaken by those who can not find other jobs. It was quite another case more than 30 years ago. In the 1960s, President John F. Kennedy sent a call to a generation to work for the government, and young people responded. Nationwide, 20% of jurisprudence