Experimental Study on Condensation Heat Transfer Characteristics of R410A in Short Vertical Tubes

来源 :Journal of Thermal Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ddsusu
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An experimental study on condensation heat transfer of R410 A in short vertical tubes(8.02 mm ID and 10.7mm ID) was presented. Experiments were performed in eight short copper tubes length varied from 300 mm to 600 mm at mass fluxes range of 58–246 kg m-2s-1 and saturation temperature of 38℃. Effects of mass flux, tube length on condensation heat transfer coefficient were investigated. The distribution of temperature, thickness of condensate film and local condensation heat transfer coefficient along the tube were also analyzed.. It is indicated that the entrance effect played an important role in condensation heat transfer of vertical tube, and the influence of entrance effect on average condensation heat transfer coefficients will weaken with the length of tube in the experimental condensation. The experimental results were compared with four well known correlations available in literatures, and the Chen correlation shows good agreement with the experimental data but with ±40% deviation. A new modified condensation heat transfer correlation with 12.7% mean deviation was developed to predict the condensation heat transfer coefficients in short vertical tube based on the experimental data. An experimental study on condensation heat transfer of R410 A in short vertical tubes (8.02 mm ID and 10.7 mm ID) was presented. Experiments were performed in eight short copper tubes length varied from 300 mm to 600 mm at mass fluxes range of 58-246 Effects of mass flux, tube length on condensation heat transfer coefficient were investigated. The distribution of temperature, thickness of condensate film and local condensation heat transfer coefficient along the tube were also analyzed. It is indicated that the entrance effect played an important role in condensation heat transfer of vertical tube, and the influence of entrance effect on average condensation heat transfer coefficients will weaken with the length of tube in the experimental condensation. four well known correlations available in literatures, and the Chen correlation shows good agreement with the experimental data but with ± 40% d eviation. A new modified condensation heat transfer correlation with 12.7% mean deviation was developed to predict the condensation heat transfer coefficients in short vertical tube based on the experimental data.
在嵩山地区,有出灵后孝子将放置在院内摆放供品的盘(碗)顶在头上,拄着哀杖一件一件哭送到灵棚中供桌之前的习俗,称为顶供。顶供仪式是嵩山地区丧俗活动中最为隆重的礼节之一,始于何时已无从考证,但在登封以及周边的新密、伊川等地都有此习俗。  《荀子·礼论》认为,“生,人之始也;死,人之终也。终始具善,人道毕矣”。这说明自古以来国人都把丧葬视为人生大事。当然,丧葬也确为人生大事,它是人生仪礼中的四礼之一,又