目的:对楮实子药材的水分、总灰分、水溶性浸出物和醇溶性浸出物含量等进行研究。方法:按照《中国药典》2010年版(一部)附录IX H水分法(烘干法)、附录IX K灰分测定法、附录XA浸出物测定法测定。结果:市售9批楮实子药材中水分含量平均值为7.47%;总灰分含量平均值为6.77%;水溶性浸出物含量平均值为6.79%;95%乙醇浸出物含量平均值为21.40%。结论:为进一步完善楮实子药材质量标准,建议增加浸出物检查项目并暂定水溶性浸出物和95%醇溶性浸出物分别不得低于6.00%和20.0%。
Objective: To study the water content, total ash content, water-soluble extract and alcohol-soluble extract content of Gorgon fruit. Methods: According to “Chinese Pharmacopoeia” 2010 edition (a) Appendix IX H moisture method (drying method), Appendix IX K ash determination, Appendix XA extract determination. Results: The average moisture content of commercially available 9 batches of real medicinal herbs was 7.47%; the average total ash content was 6.77%; the average content of water-soluble extract was 6.79%; the average content of 95% ethanol extract was 21.40% . Conclusion: In order to further improve the quality standard of Fructus Cazarex, it is advisable to add extractives and to tentatively determine the water-soluble extracts and 95% alcohol-soluble extracts to be no less than 6.00% and 20.0% respectively.