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近几年,随着烟草行业的竞争压力逐渐增大,行业不断加强对市场资源的深度和广度的挖掘,同时积极探索行业集约化发展路径。通过不断的实践和摸索,烟草行业在调整结构、调控价格以及增加销量等方面已经有所建树,也取得一定的效益,然而这些对行业的整体收益所发挥的积极作用仍然比较有限。对此,行业各方纷纷将关注的焦点聚集在寻找到一条能够有效降低行业成本、提升经济效益的路径。其中,对烟草物流实施精益化管理无疑是行之有效的路径之一。论文从烟草物流管理处着眼,探讨烟草物流实施精益化管理的意义以及具体的创建思路,以期为烟草物流管理模式创新和行业成本降低等提供一些有用的意见和建议。 In recent years, with the increasing pressure of competition in the tobacco industry, the industry has continuously stepped up the excavation of the depth and breadth of market resources and actively explored the path of intensive development of the industry. Through continuous practice and exploration, the tobacco industry has made some achievements in adjusting the structure, controlling prices and increasing sales volume, and has also achieved certain benefits. However, the positive effects of these overall returns on the industry are still relatively limited. In response, all parties in the industry have focused their attention on finding a way to effectively reduce the cost of the industry and enhance economic efficiency. Among them, the implementation of lean management of tobacco logistics is undoubtedly one of the effective ways. From the perspective of tobacco logistics management, the paper explores the significance of the implementation of the lean management of tobacco logistics and the specific ideas for its creation, in the hope of providing some useful opinions and suggestions for tobacco logistics management innovation and industry cost reduction.
依据纯金属单原子理论(OA)确定了面心立方结构(fcc)金属Rh的原子状态为[Kr](4dn)^4.46(4dc)^2.54(5sc)^1.61(6sf)^0.39, 并对金属Rh的密排六方结构(hcp)和体心立方结构(bcc)初态特征晶体及初
笔者自1996 年衡水农校毕业到现在,一直在乡镇工作,多年奔走于农村的田间地头,老百姓谈得最多的就是农药问题。庄稼得病需要农药,治虫需要农药。但是,农药作为很重要的一项农资,其